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CATS POWER DESIGN is an ODM: the engineers (HW/SW/CEM/Safety) of our design office work in perfect symbiosis with our industrialization and manufacturing team to produce your electronic products from A to Z. Our specialists and quality assurance guarantee you a very high level of life-series management. CATS POWER DESIGN provides all its customers with perfectly smooth project management, from the concept study (POC) to the maintenance in operational conditions (MOC) of their electronic systems.

CATS POWER DESIGN started its activities in power electronics in 1996, then the company grew in power supplies and motor drivers. Today, our technological offer can be summed up in three letters: “CCC”, for Energy Conversion, Motor Control and Multi-environment Connectivity. In terms of energy conversion, we can design any type of power supply, charger, inverter, etc. Our mastery of motor control allows us to work on any type of electric motorization: DC, EC, stepper motors, Brushless, Asynchronous in V/f or vector. As for our communication experts, they design connected solutions for any type of environment: WIFI, Bluetooth, LINUX, RS, CAN Bus, etc.

The entire CATS POWER DESIGN process has been ISO 9001 certified since 2008 for the design, qualification, control of subcontracted production, repair, marketing and distribution of standard and specific electronic solutions. Our ISO9001v2015 certificate was renewed in March 2018, and successfully audited in March 2021. A major player in the electronics market for medical technologies (medtech), our productions are carried out by our ISO 13485 certified partners. Our teams can meet to all normative and regulatory constraints, whatever the market: industry (production, logistics), home automation, tertiary applications, onboard/mobility, marine, agriculture, etc. Renewed in 2019, our innovation tax credit (CII) approval is valid until 2023.

CATS POWER DESIGN is the turnkey French electronics partner. Cats Power Design works daily with the best EMS partners around the world to offer you attractive prices and quality products.

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