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Control / Measure / Industrial vision
Postcode 06100
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Presentation of the supplier

INSPECTO is an expert in the digitization of industrial processes. We develop digital business solutions, specific to the needs of each manufacturer.

Factolynx is our software that allows you to monitor a project remotely, without having to move a specialty to a site. It works with a computer on one side and a smartphone on the other. The specialist stays in his office and conducts the inspection remotely, with whoever is on site.

Factolynx gives a global vision of the project(s) thanks to a synthetic dashboard which provides information on the progress of the project, the number of non-conformities in progress, the tasks remaining to be done, etc.

There are many advantages: time savings, inspection costs, traceability, the possibility of carrying out more inspections, centralized management of documentation, permanent updating of documentation for all employees thanks to the Saas, data security, video and audio recording.

The software costs only €499 per month. This is the subscription price for three users. We have decided on a very competitive price positioning so that the software is accessible to as many companies as possible.

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