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213 results for Robotics

Robotics is essential for industries wishing to keep up with competitors. Although the cost of acquiring a robot is a considerable investment and many companies hesitate to take the plunge, such technology allows them to increase productivity while continuing to guarantee product quality. In addition, it also allows employees’ health and safety conditions to be improved.

A few definitions

Industrial robotics consists of automatically controlled systems. An industrial robot is an automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose manipulator, programmable in three or more axes. It generally consists of a mechanical structure shaped like an arm, a control cabinet and a programming language. Such machines are designed to replace human beings to perform certain repetitive and hazardous tasks.

Categories of robotic devices

There are three main categories of robotic devices which you will find on our website. Firstly, there are welding and painting robots. Secondly, there are assembly robots, and lastly mobile and autonomous robots.

Suppliers also offer various equipment and accessories such as robot gripper change devices, protective covers and robotic area protections. There are also agencies which can assist you and support you in the training of your personnel.

Our referenced suppliers

A B-to-B marketplace dedicated to the industrial world, our platform consists of suppliers, industrial robot manufacturers and consulting and engineering firms specializing in robotics.

Our partners include TDR Groupe, GT Robotique, Super Aimants Europe SARL, Systolic, Groupe ADF, ERI SAS and Contact Evolution France. And if you are a robotics company and you wish to have your own stand, you can register on the platform.