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Forge and foundry

40 results for Forge and foundry

Foundry and forging are among the world’s oldest professions. With the Industry 4.0 era, however, the field has been unable to escape a revolution.

A few definitions

Forging and foundry are techniques used to treat and shape metals by casting and forging.

Firstly, forging in industry consists in deforming materials (metals or metal alloys) using temperature in order to reproduce parts. The part must therefore go through several stages to reach its final form: machining, calibration, heat treatment, painting and surface treatment.

The foundry process, for is part, consists in melting the metal or the liquid alloy in moulds. The foundry mould is then cooled and all that remains is to wait for the metal to solidify. 

Categories of forging and foundry

In the industrial forging and foundry category you will find various tools and devices to facilitate work within your iron foundry company in France. For surface treatment, for example, manufacturers offer various short-wave infrared emitter models.  There are also medium infrared heaters which can be used for drying, firing, reactivation and polymerization.

Lastly, you will find several subcontractors who can help you in the production of your parts. Each company has its own foundry technique, together with its own technology (sand and shell casting, pressure injection, investment casting, etc.).

Our referenced suppliers

Industrie-online.com is a B-to-B site specialising in the industrial world. Our community essentially consists of suppliers, manufactures, engineering firms and consultants.

We work with the best suppliers in the field: AAN Laborex France, CONEXMA, Thyssenkrupp Materials France, Yilmaz Reducteur France, AMPCO Metal and Fonderie DEJOIE.