Machining and material removal
Your Solution Facilitator Partner
The Adapei Papillon Blancs d'Alsace group of industrial activities and services is a privileged interlocutor attentive to your needs both in industrial subcontracting and in the provision of services to provide you with an operational response in full reactivity.
Attentive to constant quality, we are a competent partner and always ready to take up challenges to provide tailor-made solutions to our customers.
The commitment to evolve together in a collaborative, efficient and human spirit.
The commitment of a regional association
The group of industrial activities and services is managed by the APBA, a regional association with parental governance which embodies the values of respect, support and enhancement of the person with disabilities around a professional and social project. .
This commitment of human resources is supported by an active training policy, attention paid to adapting to the position, flexibility in internal mobility and towards other companies, making it possible to capitalize on professional experience and develop the skills of working employees. disabled.
Good to know,
By using our network, you will take concrete action in favor of the employment of people with disabilities and reduce the amount of your AGEFIPH or FIPHFP contribution, if applicable.