News technologies have become essential in the industrial world. This is because all industries currently have only one aim in mind: to automate and optimize production lines to keep up with competitors. And to achieve this, they are obliged to invest in electronic products.
A few definitions
Electronics is a vast field for which several definitions exist. The best-known and most widely used definition is probably electronics as a science. It is indeed a science which studies the movements of charge carriers in a vacuum, in gases or in semi-conductors. However, the word electronics can also designate the devices used and designed by this branch of technology.
Industrial electronics, for its part, generally covers four sectors: production, distribution and use of electrical energy, instrumentation and automation. The use of electronics in industrial companies offers many benefits. Work is made easier for workers and task handling times and production costs are reduced.
Categories of electronic products
The first category concerns printed circuit boards, which form the very basis of industrial electronics.
Then we have industrial electronic components which can be assembled with each other. These include thermostats, heating elements, flat heaters and casings.
Lastly, suppliers offer electronic components and devices to facilitate the management of the company’s activities: from flow management to logistics.
Our referenced exhibitors
In addition to subcontractors, you will find the biggest suppliers of electronic equipment and components such as ADF Systèmes, Sotraban, AMIC, FAZIMGROUP, TDS, Chandioux Engrenage, Reflexofeu, Husson SN, ERI SAS and Groupe Intercables.