SHAPEGRABBER 3D laser scanner
With laser scanning, the ShapeGrabber scanner brings speed, precision and ease of use offering a very wide field of applications.
No more need to align the part or straighten it, the measurement is simple and automatic to quickly bring you precise results. The user carries out a complete evaluation of his part based on a cloud of millions of measured points. ShapeGrabber is a 3D laser scanner equipped with a precision rotary axis for 100% automatic control!
Highly versatile, ShapeGrabber measures the complete outer shell of plastic, metal, or 3D printed parts. It digitizes complex shapes in minutes with high dot density.
Control / Measure / Industrial visionDescription
Specialist in optical dimensional metrology, OGP offers you a set of solutions to simplify and perform your quality controls in production, reception and metrology. You are looking for a more efficient measuring machine to replace your profile projector or you want to automate your dimensional controls, we will have a solution adapted to your ne...