Inter realsense software accupick 3D Solomon camera
Solomon's AccuPick 3D is an intelligent bin picking solution that fully utilizes the distinctive features of Intel RealSense, including rapid 3D point cloud generation , color recognition and scanning of moving objects.
Technical details
Through its AI-based AccuPick 3D software, Solomon takes full advantage of the distinctive features of Intel RealSense:
• Rapid generation of 3D point clouds
• Color recognition
• Scanning moving objects

Automation / Mechatronics / DigitalDescription
HumaRobotics is the exclusive distributor of Doosan Robotics collaborative robots on the French market and markets complementary robotic solutions: range of collaborative grippers, 3D vision system, volumetric radar. Based in Bordeaux and Paris, HumaRobotics surrounds itself with a network of partner-integrators throughout France to accompany yo...