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Energy efficiency for industry


Eiffage Energie Systèmes Clemessy offers a complete range of services serving the energy efficiency of processes and utilities in industry, the reduction of carbon emissions, and compliance with regulations.

-EEC studies/Energy diagnosis

-Energy monitoring and Tertiary eco-energy decree

-Data analysis/Action plan/data science

-Support in energy management

Advantages of our solution
  • Turnkey solution: from diagnosis to implementation of a monitoring tool to support for energy management  

  • A la carte solution, scalable  

  • Scalable to a Data Science platform for more advanced data processing

  • Complementary to existing supervision systems , existing sensors  

  • Meets current regulations: tertiary decree

Technical details

Our services:
Energy diagnosis: The goal is to identify energy flows and potential for improvement. By understanding your company's energy consumption, we advise you on the optimization and use of your energy.

CEE studies: By integrating a financing study on Energy Saving Certificates, we identify the saving actions carried out by your company in order to benefit from a CEE certificate issued by the State according to eligibility.

Energy Monitoring and Tracking​: Implementation of the monitoring solution to visualize, follow and anticipate the consumption of your buildings and your industrial process:​
Solution adapted to your needs and your tools
Production of Ipé​
Training your staff and maintaining the solution

Data Analysis/Data Science​: The goal is to identify potential improvements in your installations in terms of energy efficiency (via IPMVP simulations) and to verify the achievement of your objectives (Ipé monitoring) in order to propose additional optimization thanks to data science and Artificial Intelligence.


Automation / Mechatronics / Digital
Clemessy, the Eiffage Énergie Système brand, brings together all the skills and expertise dedicated to the world of industry. From audit to design, from integration to production, from commissioning to maintenance, our specialists support all industrial sectors, both in terms of infrastructure and utilities and processes.​ Clemessy offers pharma...

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