EGMA R induction heating generator
Egma R is an induction heating device whose function is to heat the metal, by exploiting the principle of losses in a conductive material, when it is at the heart of a magnetic field. We can thus heat the material without using a flame or other heating element, with the sole generation of a magnetic field within which we will place the part to be heated. The generator is completely static, that is, there is no motor or other moving device, and the magnetic field is created by an electronic circuit called an "Inverter".
Given the power involved and the resulting losses in the different circuits, the machine requires water cooling. From this point of view, the model is self-sufficient, in fact a complete refrigeration unit with tank and circulation pump is inserted in the cell. In this way, the right quantity of water at the right temperature will always be present in the hydraulic circuit of the generator and there will be no need for an external hydraulic connection to the Egma !