Pressure Drop Leak Detector FCO790
The FCO790 is a multi-function pressure drop leak detector which is intended for applications requiring multiple tests or control of associated tooling.
The FCO790 can be easily interfaced with a PLC or a computer, and in many cases the integrated programmable input/output functions make it possible to dispense with a PLC. Communication tools can be used for configuration, control and data logging
- Intuitive touch screen user interface - Dialogue with the operator through customizable images - 300 storable products with sequence of 16 tests and a variety of test types such as leak, blockage, ramp, volume transfer and input/output - Automatic pressure regulator and dual regulator available as options - Communication via RS232, RS485, USB, Ethernet, PROFIBUS, PROFINET, or EtherNet/IP - Barcode reader support - Built-in data logger with dongle connection USB Programmable electrical and pneumatic inputs/outputs.