Industrial marquee
This industrial marquee is modular and removable , with an installation mode without foundation.
Available in widths of 5 to 20m, with a height of 3 to 5m under the gutter, its 5m spans allow you to adapt the size of the building to your activity.
Ideal in case of peak activity , you can expand your storage area within 15 days.
The flexibility of our rentals allows you to apprehend an uncertain future in all serenity and taking into account your budget.
Examples of applications : cardboard storage, maintenance workshop, product storage, temporary storage area...
- Chemical industry - Pharmaceutical industry - Food industry - Energy industry - Wholesale trade - Heavy industry - Manufacturing industry - Plastics industry - Equipment manufacturers - Transport - Logistics- Span 5 to 20 meters - Length from 5 meters then adjustable in multiples of 5 meters - Lower slope height up to 5 meters - Aluminum frame - Roof in flexible composite of translucent PVC classified M2 - Periphery: canvas or steel deck - Pedestrian and goods openings - Options: lighting, heating, rainwater recovery, cladding protection, etc. - Available for hire from 15 days and for sale