ZT610/ZT620 Industrial Printer
These tireless, next-generation models are designed to make your life easier in today's rapidly changing technological landscape. So whatever your concerns—increasing production line demands, increasing operational complexity, integrating disparate systems, or controlling capital costs—the ZT600 Series industrial printers are here to help you today. today like tomorrow.
High speed printing where precision is required. A range of printers designed to withstand the most demanding production conditions for maximum profitability and minimum downtime. Manufacturing Automotive industry Electronics Pharmaceutical industry Heavy industry Logistics, Trade, Health, Traceability, Inventory, IdentificationPrint Width 104mm / 168mm Maximum Print Speed Up to 356mm (14") per second Communication Methods Standard: Serial, USB, Gigabit Ethernet, USB Host (2), Bluetooth 4.0 Option: Parallel, 802.11, port Applicator, IPv6 Print resolution 203 dpi resolution 300 dpi resolution (optional) 600 dpi resolution (optional) Construction All metal . ref: ZT61042-T0E0100Z ZT61043 ZT61046 ZT62062 ZT62063