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Cooled ventilation


The principle of cooling by evaporation makes it possible to lower the temperature of the air during its passage through humidified “media”; this system takes into account the essential variables that influence the thermal balance of the individual and therefore his state of comfort, namely: the level of activity, the air temperature, the hygrometry, the average radiation temperature as well than air velocity. It is essential to differentiate cooling by evaporation from other existing cooling techniques such as traditional air conditioning and misting.


Evaporative air conditioning is based on a natural physical principle: adiabatic. This cooling solution not only lowers the temperature but also stabilizes the humidity of the building. This technology is based on a permanent renewal of fresh air, thus ensuring unequaled comfort. The implementation of this system generates a lower installation cost, operating and maintenance costs reduced by about 80% compared to traditional air conditioning systems.

This technology is therefore economical but also ecological since it does not generate any discharge harmful to the environment. It contains no gas, only water.

OPTIONS: - Feeling of permanent air renewal - Improved operator comfort - Very low water and electricity consumption - High energy efficiency - Use of a cooler with dual regulation: Temperature and hygrometry A study has shown a reduction temperature of a workshop from one year to the next. In summer, the temperature rose from 34°C to 26°C.

Technical details

AWITECH uses a new generation of devices operating with simultaneous temperature and humidity control, thus making it possible to operate installations in all types of workshops for a quality industrial cooling system.


Machining and material removal
AWITECH is a design office and installer specializing in industrial air control . AWITECH intervenes in particular in disciplines such as industrial dust removal , centralized vacuum cleaning , ventilation and cooling ventilation . Our expertise can also relate to air conditioning and energy saving . We offer turnkey study, design and constructi...

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