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Qualaxy SPC / Statistical Process Control


Real-time network operation

All data is recorded, analysed and displayed (or edited) in real time, which is essential for good decision-making.


SPC & Statistical Analysis

The Qual@xy SPC module has been designed as a quality supervisor. A synoptic of the workshop presents in real time all the current statistical alarms. This way, the user can concentrate only on incidents, without wasting time.


Robust and comfortable operator interface

A major asset of Qual@xy SPC is its workshop ergonomics. Operators immediately adopt it for its speed of implementation, comfort and simplicity.


Measurement management for the company

Qual@xy SPC is a real-time network system that operates a central database.


Standards compliance and traceability

Compliance with standards and traceability management are extremely important for the majority of our customers: this is one of Qual@xy SPC’s strong points. We work intensively with sectors such as aerospace and pharmaceuticals where standards and regulations are very strict.


Advanced analysis tools

Defect Map

Defect Map allows you to associate the location and dimensional characteristics of the defects you detect with their location. It is a very powerful tool for analysing all aspects of non-destructive testing in the form of a map: visual, radiology, penetrant testing, ultrasound, etc…


Matrix control

A control matrix models the links between the machine parameters and the dimensions of the part being manufactured. When the measurements are validated, the SPC control function automatically calculates the best corrections to be made according to the deviations from the target observed on the measured parts.


R&R / MSA: calculation of inspection process capability

The R&R module of the SPC function allows the calculation of all repeatability and reproducibility indicators required by MSA and other standards, as well as the graphical representation of variation sources. An R&R study should be a prerequisite for SPC analysis.



Automation / Mechatronics / Digital
Software suite for industrial excellence Manage your production with a unique MES solution on the market, fully packaged and designed for industry 4.0. : the Qual@xy Suite. Description The Qualaxy Suite is a unique MES solution on the market, fully packaged and designed for Industry 4.0. It is aimed at industries of all sizes that wish to digiti...

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