Two-component system
The two-component mixer dispenser has been developed to treat medium quantities of product. The principle is based on 2 piston pumps actuated by 2 pneumatic cylinders, The standard model is equipped with tanks of 7 liters each and can possibly be increased to 20 liters. The tanks are airtight and not under pressure, thus allowing opening at any time even during machine operation. Principle of operation: The pistons of the resin and the hardener are made according to the mixing ratio (ratio). The ratio is fixed for each product used. Advantage: The operator cannot adjust the mixing ratio! Of course, the ratio can be changed by replacing the hardener piston. The two pistons are connected to each other by a plate. They are driven by pneumatic cylinders. The two pumps are recharged with product by simple natural suction. The 2 components flow through the static mixing tube. On the control an automatic purge can be programmed to ensure that the mixer does not clog. CLICK below
- Dosing and mixing of epoxy and silicone - Dosing and mixing of polyurethane - Bonding, filling and coveringRatio range 1:1 to 20:1 Max viscosity 500,000 mPas Tanks 2 x 11 liters stainless steel (35 liters option) Height 87 cm (with agitator 104 cm) Width 53 cm Depth 30 cm Weight 40 kg (empty) Min inlet pressure 4 bar - max 8 bar Power supply 230VAC / 2A / 50Hz Accuracy ±3% (depends on ratio) Dosing range 5cc - 80cc