DUAL ARM humanoid EPSON robot
The DUAL ARM double-armed humanoid robot is used to produce high-precision assemblies in various sectors of activity such as automotive, plastics, food, medicine, pharmaceuticals, aeronautics, etc.
Mobile and height-adjustable, this autonomous two-armed robot from EPSON incorporates 3D visual recognition, a multitude of force sensors and accelerometers.
It has two cameras placed on its head and a camera on each arm, allowing it to recognize an environment or an object, depending on its position and orientation.
It is also equipped with force sensors and highly sensitive torque meters for performing tightening and insertion functions by controlling torques and angles.
The DUAL ARM double-armed humanoid robot has artificial intelligence to coordinate the movements of its two arms to precisely assemble parts and avoid obstacles. He can also adapt and act autonomously to carry out the tasks that have been asked of him thanks to an "LCD touch screen" HMI placed on his back.