Eco-friendly lubricant for chains and cables: VEGA 908
Without safety labeling. Based on renewable raw materials , used for lubrication in humid environments. Creamy and adherent with good anti-wear qualities. High penetrating power for an even distribution of the lubricant to the center of the axes of the links.
For conveyor chains , quenching chains , paint and screen printing oven chains .
Used in all types of industry , automotive , canning, sugar, chemical industries...
Technical details
Operating temperature: -30°C to + 140°C MPR: 100%

Services and company layoutDescription
Supplier of lubricants and systems, MOLYDAL is today the partner of industries food, sugar industries, granulation industry, steel industry, plastic injection, automotive, energy,…. To meet all the needs required for preventive and curative maintenance in industries, MOLYDAL offers a complete range: • Products with the usual qualities but also s...