FTS Welding products and solutions
FTS Welding offers:
- A range of standard products (Gripper for welding robot, Modular gripper, WTC welding cabinet, Clamp control bench)
- A range of CeRom robotic islands for MIg Mag Tig arc welding
- A range of CeRom robotic islands for resistance welding
- A range of collaborative welding cells.
The study and production of welding tools for robotic islands and stationary machines.
- A service offer, spare parts, carry over of your SR clamps, maintenance, training
- Expertise in welding processes and their qualification
Machining and material removalDescription
FTS Welding specializes in robotic, resistance and arc welding products and solutions. For 50 years, the company has supported the various players in the automotive, aeronautical, aerospace and railway industries in the development and improvement of their production tools. FTS-WELDING offers you: MIG, MAG and TIG resistance welding solutions Ro...