STRATASYS world leader and its subsidiary MAKERBOT
There are several plastic 3D printing methods that may be suitable for you, but the only way to evaluate the best one is to work together on your project. Do not hesitate to contact us.
FDM = To manufacture precise and durable parts. Used for the manufacture of prototypes, for the design of new products but also for mechanical tests, manufacturing tools, fasteners...and spare parts
POLYJET = To make parts that look like finished plastic parts but without having to make a mold. Ideally used to validate concepts and make choices without having to worry about binding post-processing.
DLP = To manufacture precise and durable parts. Used for making prototypes, as well as for small production. Faster and more accurate than FDM, ideal for spare parts.
PBF = To manufacture precise and durable parts in quantity without going through the creation of a mould. Powder-based technology to target small and medium production.