satellite centrifuge for polishing parts from Additive Manufacturing
In the field of additive manufacturing, 3D printers are developing very quickly; but the main problem remains the mediocre quality of the surface conditions. In some cases, the objectives in terms of roughness can be of the order of 0.05 µm and polishing by conventional methods is not suitable.
Conventional tribofinishing corresponds to a set of mechanical-chemical processes, generally automated, aimed at operations such as deburring, polishing, shelving, surface smoothing, etc. But these solutions do not make it possible to correctly treat parts from 3D printing.
ABC SwissTech has developed a new technical solution with a very high energy centrifuge.
These centrifuges can reach speeds of 800 revolutions per minute, which gives them a working power approximately 100 times higher than that of industrial vibrators.
Thanks to these very strong accelerations, ABC SwissTech can thus use up to nanopowders in order to reach the most difficult to access areas.