- Ranges of studs, stops and rubber-metal supports for the protection of mechanical equipment against shocks and vibrations. Soundproof and make reliable. Ranges available in different hardnesses and rubber grades to resist aging and chemical attack. - Stainless steel range available. - Economical solutions, quick installation.
- Motors-Pumps - Hydraulic units - On-vehicle equipment - Air conditioners - Fans - Electronic components - Casing - Chassis - CabinTechnical details
- 5 types of fixings - Diameter 6mm to 200mm - Fixing M3 to M20 - Unit load from 0.1 to 7600 kilos - Models for equipment on board vehicles - Shock absorber

Machining and material removalDescription
CEF Polymers Since 1961, CEF Polymères has specialized in the development, production and marketing of technical parts and integrated systems in rubbers and polyurethanes. Products with added values intended for dynamic stresses and intended to secure, dampen shocks, isolate vibrations, reduce wear by friction, reduce noise, sealing components, ...