FARO France
Quantum Max FaroArm®
The global standard for contact arm technology
What if you could take all the measurements of a complex part, tool, or mold just by touching it? It's possible – with the FaroArm Quantum Max, the world's first portable coordinate measuring machine (CMM). Leaders in the aerospace, machining, assembly, and automotive industries rely on the FaroArm portable CMM to easily take accurate measurements on the shop floor and in the field, even in extreme temperatures.
Administrative documents
FARO France
Control / Measure / Industrial visionDescription
FARO Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: FARO) is a global leader in 3D measurement, imaging and realization solutions for the 3D metrology, AEC (architecture, engineering and construction) and analytics industries. of public safety. For 40 years, FARO has provided cutting-edge technology that enables customers to quickly and accurately measure their wo...