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Metal embossing


Spinning technology involves gradually stretching a metal disc under the pressure of a wheel to make it fit the shape of a mandrel.

Technicians qualified as “Repouseurs” are called “metal potters”.

This manufacturing method can replace stamping for the production of small and medium series. It therefore allows the initial investment to be reduced thanks to the need for only one tool, that of the internal shape.

Not only can we produce simple parts with wide tolerances, but also complex parts with extremely tight tolerances.

Therefore, spinning turns out to be the only solution to design conical parts without additional operations.

In addition, this manufacturing process allows for more resistant parts because the part is physically accompanied during the transformation operation while other techniques constrain the part.

Our workshop allows us to manufacture pieces in an artisanal and digital way.


Sheetmetal, Metalforming, Welding
For decades, Steel é has been supplying the largest companies and contractors with spun parts, stamped parts and fine sheet metal parts for the food industry or public lighting. Our parts are made to measure, according to the requirements and plans of our customers. We master spinning techniques associated with fiber laser cutting, rolling, bend...