ALF lightweight cable and pipe passage system
Lightweight multiple cable gland system that allows cables to be held in thin bulkheads. It is composed of a raw aluminum frame, painted or stainless steel. This solution is used to protect cables in electrical boxes or shelters.
Air and water tightness
- Firewall
- Chemical products
- Write-offs
- Vibes
- Rodent resistance
- Cold and hot
- Acoustic protection
- Resistance to explosions - Protection against electromagnetic disturbances or earthing of cables
- Seismic
Air and fluids management, ProcessesDescription
AFIMES is a French SME created in 1971. We are organized around 2 commercial divisions. We offer standard or tailor-made solutions in the field of security and safety. AFIMES MCT Division We are exclusive distributor of the MCT Brattberg™ system. The MCT Brattberg™ solution is a cable and pipe transit system. The system makes it possible to rest...