4D InSpec
InSpec from 4D Technology is a new non-contact measurement solution that visualizes and measures surface features or defects such as holes, scratches, grooves, bumps, instantly, with micrometric resolution.
Unlike visual inspection methods, surface roughness measurement and the surface defect measuring device provide measurement reliability, precision and repeatability, while greatly improving user comfort. The sensor is insensitive to operator movement which greatly simplifies alignment and measurement.
The InSpec 4D surface defect measuring device has been designed to work in laboratory type environments but also in the workshop or production hall.
Control / Measure / Industrial visionDescription
Our clientele is relatively diversified, we work for research institutes, public or private laboratories but also SMEs or large international groups that operate in the fields of optics, opto-electrics, lasers, lighting, space, avionics, medical, defence, instrumentation… Regarding our suppliers, they are European or American and all have recogn...