Circulation indicator smooth ends 304 and 316L stainless steel
The circulation indicator is used to check the presence of a fluid in the piping in your food and wine equipment.
Materials: 304 - 316 L stainless steel | EPDM gaskets | Pyrex® glass
Available sizes: from DN25 to DN104
Standard: CE 1935/2004
Terms of use :
MAP = 10 bar. Maximum temperature 130°C
Find other versions of this model:
>> Circulation indicator threaded end / socket end with nut
>> Circulation Indicator Threaded Ends

Air and fluids management, ProcessesDescription
Béné Inox has been a specialist in the distribution of stainless steel components for industrial fluid processes for over 40 years. We support professionals in the agri-food, cosmetics, chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, wine-growing, water treatment sectors, etc. in the design, maintenance and implementation of their projects. Take advant...