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There are three possibilities to finish a stainless steel surface well:

Abrasives: which generate particles of stainless steel that are inhaled, are very dangerous for health.

Stripping gels which are toxic and corrosive and need a very long action time. In addition, the water used to rinse these gels will be contaminated with acids and heavy metals: it will therefore have to be treated afterwards.

Pickling machines with electrolytic system for finishes on stainless steel with inverter technology: they ensure an excellent and fast result, with the least possible waste, without rinsing water and they allow to work even in a workshop.

Today, thanks to the experience in the sector of electrolytic cleaning of stainless steel and the investments in research and technological development, Nitty-Gritty is the only company that offers its customers alternative pickling solutions, thanks to a system efficient and innovative pickling passivation to instantly deoxidize steel and stainless steel; today, with products designed by Nitty-Gritty for steel and stainless steel surface finishes, anyone can achieve extraordinary gloss results. These systems are fast, safe and environmentally friendly. They have been developed for use in the food and/or medical sectors.

Sheetmetal, Metalforming, Welding
The story of Nitty-Gritty is typically Italian: a story of talent, passion, and a bit of luck. In September 1995, three friends, with quite different skills and professional experiences, while working on stainless steel prototypes, realized that to clean welds, at least in Italy, there was no valid alternatives to paste for pickling. Driven by c...

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