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For Nitty-Gritty, being stainless steel specialists means not only caring for the steel and restoring the aesthetic and corrosion resistance properties of the material which diminish after welding, but also verifying and identifying the steel with measuring instruments that allow the detection of the most common stainless steels on the market. The customer can therefore know precisely what type of stainless steel he uses for his fabrications.

Our series of instruments verifying passivation and identifying steels includes easy-to-use and reliable testers, which certify and allow the collection of the data obtained and deliver precise numerical information, in compliance with the international rules in force.

Our measuring instruments are designed to meet the needs of our customers, stainless steel specialists like us.

Sheetmetal, Metalforming, Welding
The story of Nitty-Gritty is typically Italian: a story of talent, passion, and a bit of luck. In September 1995, three friends, with quite different skills and professional experiences, while working on stainless steel prototypes, realized that to clean welds, at least in Italy, there was no valid alternatives to paste for pickling. Driven by c...

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