The SUPARULE 600 and 600E, aerial cable height and spacing measurement devices These ultrasonic distance meters are high-tech devices that allow, by simply pressing a button, to measure, without contact and at a distance, from the ground the height of the lowest cable as well as the interval which separates up to 6 superimposed cables.
The MHC Cable Height Gauges have been designed specifically to meet the requirements of measuring lines up to 23m. height The SUP600 and SUP600E are primarily designed for overhead power cables. Cable Height Meters emit small ultrasonic pulses generated by a cone-shaped transmitter. The microprocessor calculates the time elapsed between the emitted ultrasound pulses and their reflections on the cables returning to the instruments. The result is given in inches or meters. However, before the final measurement can be given, the air temperature must be measured, the speed of sound varies approximately 0.2% per degree Celsius. A temperature sensor, mounted on the front of the device, measures the ambient temperature. This information is transmitted to the microprocessor and incorporated into an algorithm. The distance is thus given in meters or in feet and inches depending on your choice.
Technical characteristics with a temperature equal to 20°C SUP600 Measurable heights (minimum 25 mm cable) 3 to 15 m Measurable heights (minimum 12 mm cable) 3 to 15 m Measurable heights (minimum 5.5 mm cable) 3 to 12 m Measurable heights ( cable 2.5 mm mini) 3 to 10 m Number of conductors measured 6 Minimum distance between 2 cables 150 mm Resolution < 10 m 5 mm Resolution > 10 m 10 mm Operating temperature -10°C to +40°C SUP600E Technical characteristics with a temperature equal to 20°C Measurable heights (minimum 25 mm cable) 3 to 23 m Measurable heights (minimum 12 mm cable) 3 to 15 m Number of co