Colorimeter BC-10 PLUS
With the BC-10 PLUS, it is possible to monitor and control the color of cooked, fried, smoked or processed foods or ingredients, in different environments in order to ensure the consistency of their appearance. It is the ideal solution for multi-site companies and restaurant chains looking for consistency and increased quality in the appearance of their products. Besides crust color, the BC-10 analyzes color on all kinds of baked food products, such as yeast, flour, brown sugar, and calcium propionate additive. Extremely simple to use, compact, light and autonomous, the BC-10 PLUS displays the measured values in the form of baking index (BCU unit – Baking Contrast Units - a standard classification scale of the baking industry) or color coordinates L*a*b*. Illumination by xenon arc lamp according to standard CIE D65 illuminant and 10° observer guarantee its quality of repeatability as well as correct measurements. Data can be stored and then transferred to a PC via the USB connection, or printed using an external printer. - Bakery products - Agrifood
8° illumination/observation system:di (8° directed illumination / diffuse detection, specular reflection included (SCI)