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ODONA "Drone View 5" 360° camera system for vehicles



With over 7 years of experience in 360° camera system equipment, ODONA is a French brand specializing in vehicle camera solutions. The brand began with the unique 360° vision system "Drone View." While 360° systems already existed, no one had brought them to such a level of customization and simplicity. With over 2,000 installations today, ODONA has become the leading brand in the French market.

The ODONA Drone View 5 360° vision system is composed of:

  • 4 180° HD 1080p cameras positioned on the 4 sides of the vehicle;
  • A control box that allows you to instantly and continuously merge images at the angles of the vehicle and manage perspectives;
  • A dedicated 360° vision screen allowing you to constantly monitor your environment.

The software integrated into the control box allows, once the system has been calibrated (a service carried out by a workshop in our network), to recompose the four images from the cameras, eliminating blind spots on the ground . The addition of a 3D icon of the vehicle , showing its actual dimensions, offers a very natural view and intuitive reading of peripheral information, thus facilitating almost immediate handling .

The dynamic view (located on the right of the screen) which always includes the automatic display of the left and right blind spots when the indicators are activated, also allows the user to choose from a multitude of views according to their needs, and are easily controlled using shortcuts on the control remote.

In addition to providing safety and comfort when driving or maneuvering, this system can also be used as a video surveillance system . Indeed, once stationary, you will be able to monitor the surroundings of your vehicle from your screen, day and night ( night vision, optional infrared cameras ). Finally, all images will be recorded on a dedicated USB key in order to be kept and used if necessary ( dashcam function ).

Technical details

  • Screen size: choice of 7" or 10"
  • Camera shell color: white or carbon
  • Roof camera: optional
  • Infrared cameras: optional
  • Image quality: HD 1080p
  • Compatibility: all types of vehicles (custom installation)

In summary, ODONA Drone View 5 is:
  • A high-definition 360° 3D vision;
  • Recomposition of the environment with elimination of blind spots on the ground and immediate control of obstacles;
  • Simultaneous recording of 4 cameras while driving or at the stage;
  • Many customization options.


Control / Measure / Industrial vision
EXTERIOR is a company operating in the dynamic field of distribution and customization of comfort and security solutions. One of EXTERIOR's key strengths lies in our long-term, privileged relationships with our suppliers and our extensive product range within our catalog. We carefully select our suppliers and work with them over the long ter...

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