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The special machine is an automated equipment included in the production line (handling line, evacuation line, etc.), and it is designed to move different types of heavy or bulky loads from point A to point B (area of storage). The ACIMEX brand specializes in the manufacture of installations equipped with suction cups which detect the weight, diameter and size of heavy loads in order to ensure their gripping in complete safety and thus facilitate the production process: manufacturing on -measurement for a turnkey solution. Thanks to its know-how in design and custom-made manufacturing, ACIMEX is constantly innovating to respond as closely as possible to the needs of the customer and to carry out with him his special machine project. Two types of special machines were thus produced in early 2021 in the ACIMEX factories, one to secure the gripping of 160 kg sandwich panels at CARLIER, and the other to move and store electrodes.


Handling, Logistics, Storage, Lifting
ACIMEX is the leader in the field of industrial gripping and lifting of large loads and heavy parts . The company designs and manufactures vacuum lifting devices intended for handling concrete, steel or PVC parts and large tubes and pipes. ACIMEX, with its experience of more than 50 years in the field, offers: High quality customized solutions f...

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