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ARCELOR MITTAL has invested in an ultrasonic control bench enabling it to meet the requirements of its customers in terms of quality control. To do this, Arcelor needed a reliable and flexible means of lifting to perform the loading and unloading of the test bench.

This means of handling had to make it possible to move from the operator's button box sheets of high resistance and a wide dimensional spectrum that could go from 2×2 meters to 4x14 meters, or even two sheets of 4x7m. The second challenge was to succeed in lifting sheets whose surface condition was wet and dirty. ACIMEX has set up a specific stainless steel vacuum pump and filtration system, already proven in extreme activity sectors such as tunnels. Finally, the lifter has been designed for a lifespan of 1,000,000 cycles. The load used is between one third and two thirds of the nominal load. The maximum load is given for 15 tons.

Arcelor asked KONECRANES to build the bridge; ACIMEX took care of the design of the lifting means in order to propose a turnkey solution together. The specifications indicated that it was necessary to be able to select the suction cups remotely: the lifter equipped with 26 suction cups is equipped with a radio control, the operator selects at will and remotely the suction cups useful for the format to be lifted.


Handling, Logistics, Storage, Lifting
ACIMEX is the leader in the field of industrial gripping and lifting of large loads and heavy parts . The company designs and manufactures vacuum lifting devices intended for handling concrete, steel or PVC parts and large tubes and pipes. ACIMEX, with its experience of more than 50 years in the field, offers: High quality customized solutions f...

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