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Amazon launches new automated packaging machines that create the right-sized paper bags on demand

Amazon launches new automated packaging machines that create the right-sized paper bags on demand

Amazon is currently testing new machines that can package each item into a custom paper bag, on demand, reducing packaging volume by several thousand daily orders. Using an integrated sensor, these machines scan items, whether video games, kitchen utensils, or sports equipment, previously shipped in boxes or cardboard envelopes. Each bag is then heat sealed, providing a total packaging process that is both fast and precise, with no empty space around the contents of the package. The absence of glue for closing the packaging also makes it possible to limit the use of raw materials used… On average, more than 26 grams of packaging per shipment are eliminated. To adapt the machines, Amazon engineers had to add new components to process thin coated paper instead of plastic. As Amazon specifies: “Our materials science experts have developed a paper that is both light and strong, which stretches, resists better weather and lends itself to heat sealing while being easily recyclable during selective sorting”.


Le 09 novembre 2023 par Gl events

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