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Junior Reliability Technician Compares Experiences Using Vibration & Ultrasound

Junior Reliability Technician Compares Experiences Using Vibration & Ultrasound

We had the opportunity to sit down with our fellow co-worker Trevor Bruinix this past week. Trevor is one of SDT’s Junior Reliability Technicians. His primary job responsibilities are ultrasound and vibration data collection and analysis to fulfill SDT’s service contracts across Ontario, Canada. He was in the office taking his CAT 2 Vibration Course under SDT Corporate Trainer, Gilles Lanthier. He shared with us his experiences as a junior reliability technician in his first two years at SDT Ultrasound Solutions, how his roles have shifted from primarily performing vibration analysis, to now mostly collecting ultrasound data, and how this change has affected his job. 

Trevor’s Introduction to Maintenance, Reliability, and Condition Monitoring

Back in late 2020, Trevor Bruinix began his career with SDT Ultrasound Solutions as a Junior Reliability Technician and Condition Monitoring Data Analyst. With no prior maintenance and reliability or factory experience, Trevor was a true newcomer to this industry.

Robert Dent, National Sales Manager & Partnered Ultrasound Program Coordinator put together a two-year training program for the new Junior Reliability Technicians brought onto the SDT Ultrasound Service Team. Trevor is the first set to complete the SDT Junior Reliability Technician training program.

  • After 6 Months take Vibration Analysis ISO Category 1 training
  • After 9 Months take Ultrasound ISO Category 1 training
  • After 18 Months take Vibration Analysis ISO Category 2 training
  • After 24 Months take Ultrasound Category 2 training

Successful completion of the training program will provide a promotion to “Reliability Technician.”

Trevor immediately began working under some of SDT’s most experienced condition monitoring technicians & data analysts. At first, his primary job responsibilities were collecting both ultrasound and vibration data fulfilling a service contract at one of Ontario’s oldest Pulp and Paper Mills. He would carry out daily vibration data collection routes that would then be analyzed by experienced vibration data analyst, Gilles Lanthier. Trevor’s schedule worked out to 20+ days of vibration data collection on high-speed assets and 1-2 days of ultrasound data collection on slow-speed assets every month.

Trevor discovered that this bearing had an electrical current going through it that was causing significant damage.
After six months of data collection experience, Trevor scheduled his Category 1 Vibration Analysis Certification, which he took under instructor Gilles Lanthier, alongside several of his other SDT Ultrasound colleagues. With his new certification and the knowledge gained during the course, Trevor was able to include more vibration data analysis in his day-to-day activities.

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Le 25 janvier 2024 par SDT ULTRASOUND SOLUTIONS

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