Aquiweb MES Software
Easy to use and implement , the MES Aquiweb software helps manufacturers in their continuous improvement initiatives : production monitoring, TRS, TPM, dematerialization of OFs, self-checks, self-maintenance, SMED, 5S, visual management, PDCA, AIC…
It provides all the solutions to collect production data in real time (from equipment and operators). Aquiweb is a real decision-making tool that accompanies field workers during start-ups, tool changes, checks, etc. It guides them step by step and facilitates internal communication.
With its planning connected in real time to production, it improves service levels, organization and reduces losses.
Aquiweb globally and sustainably improves industrial performance in connection with business management (ERP), it provides all the information needed to optimize production activities.
Simple, standard and economical , Aquiweb works in full web technology .
It meets the needs of dematerialization of production operations. It is marketed by module:
- Aqui time : production monitoring
- Aqui ordo : real-time connected scheduling
- Aqui qual : quality control
- Aqui maint : preventive and periodic maintenance
- Aqui doc : provision of documentation at the workstation
- Aqui traced : traceability / genealogy
- Aqui energy : improving energy performance
- Aqui stock : flow and inventory management
- Aqui guide : digitization of operating methods