Aquiqual is dedicated to quality management and SPC control, in real time. Used in various sectors of activity, it allows to carry out self-checks, start-up checklists, etc.
With an operator interface and an interface for the quality workstation, the Aquiqual software allows a wide range of controls including the criteria to be controlled, the reference / OF / workstation / zone link, the frequency / control triggering event, the size of the sample, the conditions of execution and the management of the levels of criticality of the criteria.
With a simple and intuitive input interface, the Aquiqual software also helps in execution thanks to the management of the multi range and the multi OF, the call by visual signal of the operator on his workstation, the management of the equipment measurement, data collection through a USB connection, RS232, OPC, external files, etc. It also offers a visual aid: graph, document, video, plan.
This software allows control by SPC control card (Table of indicators: Cp, Cpk, Cpm, etc., Gaussian curve) as well as the management of non-conformity sheets (fully configurable FNC, manual request, automatic triggering on event, FNC workflow management).
Thanks to the Aquiqual control software, the operator can use the SPC indicators, control charts, carry out a multi-criteria analysis, manage non-conformity sheets and control executions.