Aquiordo , standard scheduling module of the MES Aquiweb software , to carry out a connected schedule to improve production. Allowing to detect the various drifts which can occur, this software contributes to the evolution of the production in real time.
Quick and easy to set up, the Aquiordo software has various integrated functional modules allowing it to offer a schedule that takes into account: Work in progress, measured performance and preventive maintenance. Thanks to this connected scheduling module, it is possible to know the availability and the planned end dates to communicate to customers reliable deadlines, based on the reality on the ground.
Thanks to this software for production planning, operators can consult the planned OFs, follow the progress of manufacturing an OF, in real time, follow up on the evolution of the planning according to the end estimate of the OFs in progress and consult the information in the schedule.
- For managers, the MES Aquiordo software offers different functionalities:
- Automatically optimized planning with algorithms under configurable constraints
- Simple graphical planning of OFs by dragging and dropping
- Visualization and real-time monitoring of the progress of launched and planned OFs
- Import and export of OFs from and to the ERP
- Visualization of real/past/future time
- Visualization of OFs imported from the ERP and not yet planned
- Information on the advance or delay of planned OFs in order to anticipate delays and overruns of the customer deadline