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Audacity and diversification: the keys to STSI’s success

Audacity and diversification: the keys to STSI’s success

Since its creation in 1996, the STSI group, under the leadership of its president Dimitri Fournier in 2004, has evolved by adapting to the growing demands of the industry. Specializing in high-precision mechanics and located in Chemaudin, in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, STSI has diversified its activities while placing innovation at the heart of its development, particularly with its foray into virtual reality. By combining a design office with its skills in machining, metrology and assembly, the company has built a reputation for reliability and performance. Today, STSI is a real gem of French industry, with a turnover spread across sectors as varied as medical, luxury, defense, nuclear and space. This success is based on three fundamental pillars: strategic partnerships, continuous investments and bold diversification.

BPI France nuclear accelerator: a catalyst for growth and visibility

STSI and its subsidiary GILLET DECOLLETAGE have always sought to renew themselves and innovate, whether by optimizing their processes or searching for new markets. A decisive turning point in this approach was its integration into the BPI France "Nuclear Accelerator" program. Selected at the national level, STSI joined a group of 30 companies for this 18-month program, STSI will benefit from targeted support to meet the challenges of a rapidly expanding nuclear sector.

This recognition by BPI has not only galvanized STSI's teams, but has also strengthened the company's image in an increasingly demanding sector. Visibility at international trade fairs such as Global Industries or Eurosatory has allowed STSI to increase its reputation and attract new partners. For an SME with 45 employees, this exhibition is a real growth lever. Dimitri Fournier underlines the importance of this support: "This selection has greatly motivated our teams and today it is an incredible showcase."

By relying on a national program, STSI has been able to capitalize on a growth dynamic while strengthening its roots in a strategic market. This partnership is a concrete example of the importance of collaborations between innovative SMEs and public institutions to boost their development.

Investing: the key to success

Dimitri Fournier is convinced: "to remain competitive in the industry, investment is essential." STSI thus allocated 1.5 million euros last year to modernize its machine park. These investments allow the company to offer its teams cutting-edge production tools, guaranteeing flexibility and technological performance.

"From experience, the worst thing is not to invest," says Dimitri Fournier. In a sector as demanding as precision mechanics, where competition is global, having high-performance equipment is an absolute necessity. These machines allow the group to meet the varied needs of its customers, while optimizing its production processes.

But the investment is not limited to equipment. The company also focuses on the continuous training of its employees, which is essential to ensure adaptation to new technologies. This commitment to innovation and constant improvement of skills makes STSI a resilient company, ready to meet the challenges of the future.

Diversifying with disruptive projects: virtual reality at the heart of the strategy

STSI does not just perfect its traditional processes (5-axis milling and bar turning, etc.). The company is also positioning itself on disruptive projects, such as its foray into virtual reality (VR) or FDM 3D printing. Convinced that innovation should not be limited to machining, Dimitri Fournier decided to transform his design office into a center for creating virtual and augmented (mixed) reality content.

This project, still in the development phase, aims to offer VR solutions for training technicians in the assembly of mechanical subunits. The objectives are multiple, for example: improving the safety and efficiency of training while reducing costs. This technology is particularly relevant in sectors as sensitive as nuclear power, where performance is crucial.

The initial feedback is promising. By integrating VR tools, STSI can now provide immersive content to its customers, making it easier for operators to learn complex processes. D. Fournier explains: “Thanks to our content, our customers can choose their native language and get recommendations with the most comprehensive data possible.” The integration of these new technologies is a strong signal, not only for customers, but also for young talents who join the company, attracted by innovation on a daily basis.

Solid foundations and innovation, the levers for success in today's industry.

For Dimitri Fournier, the key to success is simple: "Investing in your work tool while prioritizing the well-being of your employees". If it had not, over the years, continually allocated resources to modernizing its machines and training its teams, STSI would not be able to embark on projects as innovative as virtual reality today. Innovation is crucial, but it must be based on a solid foundation of skills and reliability.

His advice to managers who want to get involved in innovation is clear: "You must already be competent in what you do and project the image of a credible company. This reassures investors, partners, and customers." This strategy, based on continuous innovation and diversification, has indeed allowed STSI to stand out and become a reference in its sector.

In conclusion, Dimitri Fournier insists on the importance of constantly renewing oneself, while remaining open to collaboration with other French SMEs. According to him, the future of the industry is based on strengthened cooperation and sharing of know-how. "Today, we have very competent SMEs in the industry in France, and it is time to promote our expertise."

Le 26 septembre 2024 par Gl events

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