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Ensuring Domestic Underground Storage Tank Integrity with the SDT340 TankTest

Ensuring Domestic Underground Storage Tank Integrity with the SDT340 TankTest

Underground storage tanks (USTs), especially those storing hazardous materials like fuels and chemicals, represent significant environmental and safety concerns.

If these tanks leak, they can contaminate soil and groundwater, resulting in costly cleanups and potential public health risks. In Europe, environmental regulations are stringent, and compliance is mandatory, particularly under the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), which emphasizes protecting water resources. Regular tank testing is essential to prevent hazardous leaks and ensure regulatory compliance, especially for tanks that contain dangerous substances.

The Importance of Tightness Testing for USTs

In Europe, the Water Framework Directive mandates the prevention of groundwater contamination, and USTs are key points of concern due to their role in storing potentially hazardous materials. Non-compliance with these regulations can result in hefty fines and costly remediation efforts. Data from multiple European studies indicate that up to 30% of older tanks exhibit signs of corrosion, putting them at risk of leakage. Groundwater contamination is a pressing issue, with an estimated 20-25% of incidents linked to leaking USTs, especially those storing petroleum products. These leaks threaten Europe’s drinking water supplies, as half of the population relies on groundwater for everyday use. Thus, efficient and reliable testing methods are critical to mitigate risks and safeguard public health.

Regulatory Compliance and Environmental Protection

European regulations, such as the Industrial Emissions Directive (2010/75/EU), also include provisions on minimizing emissions to soil and water through preventive measures like regular UST testing. Ultrasound technology, as utilized by the SDT340 TankTest, not only helps operators comply with these stringent regulations but also provides the added benefit of early detection. This allows operators to prevent environmental contamination before it occurs, significantly reducing long-term costs and potential fines.

A modern solution

The SDT340 TankTest offers a reliable, non-invasive method for tightness integrity testing of USTs. Traditional testing methods are often invasive, requiring tanks to be emptied and cleaned—an expensive, time-consuming process that introduces unnecessary risk. The SDT340, utilizing ultrasound technology, allows operators to detect leaks, corrosion, or structural weaknesses without the need for these intrusive steps.

Ultrasound technology works by sending sound waves through tank materials to identify thinning, corrosion, or potential leaks. The SDT340 TankTest uses two specialized sensors—one submerged in liquid, the other above the surface—to measure background noise and detect deviations caused by leaks. This method is particularly advantageous for aging tanks, offering a precise and cost-effective way to assess tank integrity and avoid significant environmental damage

How the SDT340 TankTest works

The SDT340 TankTest is designed specifically for USTs, offering exceptional sensitivity to detect even the smallest perforations or defects. The system works as follows:

  1. Dual sensor placement: Two sensors—one red sensor submerged in the liquid and one black sensor placed above the liquid surface—are positioned inside the tank.
  2. Background noise measurement: The SDT340 TankTest measures background noise (reference value) inside the tank in decibel microvolts (dBμV), providing a baseline.
  3. Partial vacuum application: The tank is subjected to a partial vacuum, allowing for more accurate detection of any leaks.
  4. Diagnosis and confirmation: The instrument compares the reference value with the readings from each sensor. If a leak is present, the operator can confirm it by listening to the sound generated by the escaping material.
  5. Recording and reporting: The system records measurement data and audio files, which can be consulted at any time from the device’s memory. Operators can also generate detailed reports through the SDT TankTest Reporter software.

Key advantages of the SDT340 TankTest

Ultrasound-based testing with the SDT340 TankTest provides several critical benefits over traditional testing methods:

  • Non-invasive testing: The tank does not need to be emptied or cleaned, eliminating risks and reducing downtime.
  • Immediate results: The operator receives instant feedback, allowing for on-the-spot diagnosis without further analysis.
  • Sensitive leak detection: The system can detect “mini defects” or micro-perforations that are not yet generating significant pollution but could lead to larger issues.
  • Testing in full or partial tanks: The SDT340 TankTest can be used regardless of the liquid level, up to 80 cubic meters, making it versatile for various tank sizes and situations.
  • Regulatory compliance: This method is widely recognized and approved by regulatory bodies for leak testing, helping operators stay compliant with environmental laws.

Simplified data management

With the SDT340 TankTest, data management is as sophisticated as the testing itself. The included SDT TankTest Reporter software allows operators to:

  • Generate complete, tamper-proof reports for each test with automatic numbering for easy organization.
  • Customize reports to meet specific needs, ensuring clarity for stakeholders.
  • Access historical data, enabling trend analysis and better predictive maintenance planning.

These capabilities make the SDT340 TankTest not only a testing tool but a comprehensive management solution for UST integrity.

Guided testing for easy operation

The SDT340 TankTest simplifies the testing process through its Guided Mode. This user-friendly feature breaks the acoustic leak test into several steps, guiding the operator through each stage of the inspection. Predefined settings ensure that the process is intuitive and efficient, enabling operators to collect all the necessary data without needing extensive technical expertise.

Ensuring tightness for domestic tanks

The SDT340 TankTest is highly effective for testing smaller domestic USTs, which are common in homes that rely on underground fuel storage. The system allows for simultaneous testing of both the tank and its associated piping, ensuring comprehensive coverage. It also offers features like a flexible sensor for detecting leaks around fittings, joints, and plugs, ensuring no weak points go unnoticed.

Why regular UST testing matters

Underground storage tanks, particularly those storing hazardous or flammable materials, must be regularly tested to prevent leaks. Even small leaks in domestic fuel tanks can lead to significant environmental damage, contamination, and long-term costs. By using the SDT340 TankTest, UST operators can avoid such risks, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations and preventing costly cleanups or repairs.

The SDT340 TankTest offers a proven, effective, and efficient solution for ensuring the tightness of underground storage tanks. By embracing ultrasonic testing, operators can proactively identify potential issues before they become major problems, protecting both their assets and the environment.

Le 10 octobre 2024 par SDT ULTRASOUND SOLUTIONS

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